Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The death penalty is a perfect solution to prevent future murders and is the best form of deterrence in the criminal justice system that there is. It takes the most violent and ruthless criminals off of OUR streets. If a man went to prison and got life with parole, and got out after who knows how many years I wouldn't want him on the streets.

The biggest benefit of capital punishment is that it creates a much safer society for the citizens. Everyone would feel much safer knowing that the criminal sitting in jail waiting to get out on parole is gone for good, and is never coming back. Although their can be some weakness' to this as well, what if someone didnt commit the crime but evidence shows that they did and they are found guilty and put on death row. This probably doesn't happen very often but when it does it is a little saddening, the death penalty should still be allowed in my opinion.

I think that that is total bulls**t. If we put an inmate on death row, don't give him time to think or feel sorrw or guilt for what he has done, save OUR money because we pay the taxes and just get rid of him ASAP, not many people will miss them and no one will care they they are gone.

I was rather suprised that their were more white people on death row than black people. Everyone stereotypes that black people are the common criminal, everyone knows that. They make up most of the criminals that are in jail, yet white people are more common to be on death row. So why do WE stereotype them if we are just as bad, it is an interesting subject.