Thursday, March 4, 2010


Andrea Yates is a perfect description of an insane person; but is she really insane? She was fine when she was on her meds, so why did she stop taking them? She murdered all of her children and is now walking the streets which Ithink is total bull s**t. What if she sees another child and thinks that she should murder that one too?

Their should only be two options for Yates; 1)she remain inside a highly secure mental institution for the rest of her life, or 2)capital punishment.

Her psychiatrist reccomended that she not have another child due to her already being mentally unstable and she did not listen, got pregnant, and decided to stop taking her meds so she would not "harm her child"..yeah..she really cares about kids!

If I had a punishment for this woman, I would put her and the chimpanzee that ripped that ladies faceoff in California in the same room and see how she feels to be overpowered. She doesn't deserve the freedom that she is getting right now whatsoever.

She went to school to become a nurse, she should have well known about the consequences and affects of not taking her prescribed medication from her psychiatrist. Along with this, her husband should have been helping her from becoming this psychotic crazy b**ch. He knew that the cramped living space that HE wanted to live in was causing her emotional harm, which led to physical harm as she mutilated herself. This whole case is stupid.

Andrea Yates should be institutionalized or put down, no doubt about it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i would also recommend putting that whale that killed the trainer at sea world in the room as well

  3. I agree that she should be placed in a non open mental facility for the rest of her life as well! What she did was wrong and she doesnt deserve to be out in public. And i think that chris has the right idea beause the whale drowned the trainer, so the punishment would be fitting for Yates!

  4. i agree with you for sure travis, i also support what chris said

  5. 100% agree with you Travis. Though putting her in the same room as a chimp and a whale isn't such a great idea, considering they were not crazy and did not murder in cold blood. Put her in the same room as a psychopath would be much more fitting since they would get along so well.

  6. i think that someone should dress the chimp up like her kids too...
